Lockable damper
As its name reply, it is a kind of damperwhich combines two functions of damping and locking. When the solar panelturning action needed for tracking the sun, pressing the pin then the shaft canmove smoothly whatever in or out of the cylinder. When the turning action done,free the pin, then the piston and the shaft will be locked by the locking forceof max capacity 25000N. At the same time, the most panel weight will besupported by the damper, so as to reduce the burden to the slewing driver andextend its working life. Even though it occurs that the emergency of high wind,the panel can be fastened safely and the risk of tracker damage will be greatlyreduced.
Damper with a mechanical spring
Based on the damper, a big mechanicalspring is added. Besides of the damping, it will protect the linear actuator(orslew driver) in case of the high wind. If the tracker system detects the highwind, the slew driver or the linear actuator will act to turn the panel as wellas pushing the shaft back to the safe position in which the shaft top touchesthe big mechanical spring. So if pressed by the high wind, the panel as well asthe linear actuator(or slew driver) will be protected by obtaining theadditional buffering of the mechanical spring.
Damper(shock absorber)
Due to the unique design, the shaft of thedamper can move smoothly in the total stroke without any invalid stroke and thedamping force can be consistent whatever in any stroke point. So our damper canbe applied whatever vertical, horizontal or upside down. According to ourclients actual need, We can provide the ideal dampers, which realize the bestdamping effect.